Sunday, February 22, 2009

Clams Chinois

Scrub the clams (about 3 cups of them) well, then soak them in salt water for 1-2 hours to get rid of sand and other clam gunk.
- several cloves of garlic (crush or chop)
- about a tablespoon of finely chopped ginger
- some finely chopped basil
- at least 3 stalks of green onion
- you can also add chilis here for some extra kick
Heat up the wok, throw in some oil, then add the garlic. Give it a second or two, then add the other ingredients one by one in the same way, ending with the clams. Stir that around while mixing together:
- a good dollop of soy sauce paste
- a spoonful of sugar
- a few tablespoons of water
- a good half a cup of rice wine
(This sauce can be adjusted depending on your personal taste! Some recipes suggest oyster sauce, black vinegar, dry white wine, or black bean sauce. You can also add a little cornstarch to thicken it.)
Pour the sauce down the sides of the wok; don't throw it right in the middle. Mix it around some more, then cover your wok. The heat and steam should open those babies up within about 3 minutes. Once it does, give it another stir and add some pepper.

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